Blended Short-term Mobility
Blended short-term study mobility
A blended short-term study mobility information
Definitions and concepts
Blended learning activities are a combination of virtual/online learning activities and physical learning activities. Blended mobility, therefore, is a combination of a physical mobility and a virtual activity (or component) before, during or after the physical mobility.
The student sees that a partner institution is organising a blended course on the multicultural classroom before the start of their regular semester that the international office advertised specifically for education students. The student is interested in the course as their home institution does not offer courses on this topic and applies through the international office. The student
goes on a physical mobility for one or two weeks (maximum stay 30 days) to get to know their fellow students and to get an introduction to the course material and themes and once the physical component has
finished the student does a group project online with the other students and attends a few online seminars for two more weeks. For this blended mobility, the student receives 3 to 5 ECTS credits and takes one less course at their home institution as they get the course recognised.
Target group
The blended short-term student mobility is primarily targeted at those who have reasons not to go on a fully physical long-term mobility. Target group are individual students who can try to find such an option independently. Blended shot-term study mobility can take place within a Blended Intensive Programme or an alternative short programme.
Recommended workload
Concerning blended short-term student mobility, physical mobility must last between 5 days and 30 days and be combined with a compulsory virtual component. A blended mobility for studies as a whole
must award a minimum of 3 ECTS credits (the physical and virtual component combined) while no additional requirements are set for the virtual component of blended mobility. Where the recognition of the awarded ECTS credits is not possible, for instance in the case of some doctoral programmes, the
3 ECTS credit feature should be considered as a guideline for workload.
A blended short-term traineeship for students
The company offers flexible working conditions for their
employees and does not require their trainees to be present at the office physically all
the time. The student then agrees with the company to do a blended traineeship. The student first goes on a short-term physical mobility to the company for three weeks to get to know the company, the new colleagues, and to attend a training course for new staff members. After the physical mobility, the student returns to their sending country where they continue working for the company remotely, continually communicating with other staff members and working collaboratively with them online for two more months. The student receives an Erasmus+ grant for the duration of the physical mobility but may also receive a remuneration from the company in addition.
Contact person: Joanna Jackowska

Joanna Jackowska
Contact person for: incoming students (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey), ENBS, STEP (Japan), CEEPUS incoming students, Intensive Program, Short Term Program.
phone: +48 (12) 293 52 86
room 1.3
duty hours: Monday to Friday, 11 a.m to 1 p.m