Welcome Centre UEK
Welcome Centre UEK is a new unit at Krakow University of Economics (KUE), which delivers professional service and help to foreign students, especially to the new-enrolled ones and candidates, but also guests and doctoral students.
The main idea of the project is to enhance the access to information for the international community coming to KUE and to shape the attitudes of openness and tolerance throughout the academic environment.
Welcome Centre UEK is responsible for providing the necessary information on the structure of the University, its administrative procedures and competences of individual University units. Additionally, it can help you learn about the educational offer, KUE infrastructure, and share information in foreign languages about Krakow and Poland.
- Alma Macias-López, Mexico
- Andrii Zaitsev, Ukraine
- Viktor Delegach, Kazakhstan
- Khulan Khashbaatar, Mongolia
- Kudzai Chigubu, Zimbabwe
- Ahneshka Kominch, Belarus
- Linda and Promise Akabudu, Nigeria
- Natalia Węglarz, Ireland
- Stella Styczeń, Italy
- Inés Samaniego Mika, Spain
- Adrian Martin, Germany
- Daniil Bilous, Illia Podorov, Anton Slesarenko, Ukraine
- Kerubakaran Angayarkanni Sivakumar, India
- Mikaze Fukuchi, Japan
- Ulyana Karahina, Belarus
- Taida Chatikobo, Zimbabwe
- Amalia Adam, Romania
- Juan Diego Huerta Guerrero, Mexico

Oleh Vdoviak
Contact person for: international students and candidates, Polish language course NAWA.
phone: +48 (12) 293 58 18
room 009, Main Building