Mobility – Erasmus KA131
Step 1 – an employee of the IPO notifies a qualified exchange student (nomination) to partner university within the deadline set by the latter.
Step 2 – the student sends the application documents within the deadline after receiving the information from the partner university. Follow the instructions sent by the coordinator of the host university.
Step 3 – the student submits the documents necessary to sign the financial agreement to the appropriate coordinator at the IPO no later than 2 weeks before departure:
- scholarship recipient questionnaire
- a copy of the acceptance letter from the student’s host university
- copies of documents: consent to ITZ realisation
- Online Learning Agreement (OLA) and instruction for creating the document (If the partner university does not use the OLA platform – only paper document can be used)
- Creating your Online Learning Agreement
- copy of health insurance (EHIC card) and additional policy (e.g. Euro 26, ISIC)
Travel support
A novelty in the Erasmus+ KA 131 programme is a travel support for all participants: green travel flat rate or standard travel flat rate.
Green Travel funding will apply to those going on exchange using low-carbon modes of transport (train, bus or car sharing) – declaration form.
For journeys of up to 499 km, the use of low-carbon modes of transport is recommended by the European Commission.
Students using high-carbon means of transport (e.g. aeroplane) will receive a one-off grant at the applicable rates – standard travel flat rate.
Additional information
Those who study on a fee-paying basis have the opportunity to apply for a partial fee exemption by completing an application for a partial fee exemption – the application should be sent by e-mail together with a certificate of eligibility to the partner university to the Department of Student and Doctoral Student Accounts.
Detailed information can be found in the Outgoing Students’ Manual. For your own comfort and convenience, we recommend that students familiarize themselves with the above document.
When going abroad to study as part of the Erasmus+ programme, it is worth reading the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ information package, which will make your stay safer.
During the scholarship stay
- in the first month of mobility, the student is obliged to agree with the coordinator on the final version of the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) and to introduce any changes in comparison with the original version. Changes are made on the OLA platform Making changes to your Online Learning Agreement
- before returning to UEK, the student is obliged to ask for a confirmation letter confirming his/her studies abroad
After returning from the scholarship
- Plan of Study Agreement (PPS) – each person undertaking mobility within the Erasmus+ KA 131 programme is required to fill in this document upon their return.
- Upon completion of the scholarship, the student is obliged to provide the BPZ with the following documents:
- confirmation letter confirming the stay at the partner university
- trip report (via e-mail)
- a copy of the Learning Agreement re-signed by the academic coordinator, student and partner school.
- a copy of the signed PPS
- a transcript of the grades from the partner university to be converted to the Polish scale (this document can be provided after the partner university has sent it).
The student must submit the following documents to the Dean’s Office:
- a description of the courses taken abroad in the language of study
- a printed copy of the Online Learning Agreement and PPS
- transcript of grades converted to the Polish scale by BPZ
Additionally, Erasmus+ KA131 Grant receivers are required to fill in an online questionnaire (Beneficiary Module system).