Welcome Centre

Welcome Centre UEK - unit at Krakow University of Economics (KUE)

Our ways of working with people representing the international academic community were recently brought together in the form of a project by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.


The project was well received, making it possible to carry out the new task of setting up a unit called the Welcome Centre. Its functions are shaped by all that we have learnt and experienced over many years of operating in the arena of education outside Poland.


Thanks to the efforts and insights of the KUE academic community, we are well prepared to take this next step in facilitating the University's exit from the domestic market. In addition to its role as an advisory and information centre, the Welcome Centre has the additional mission of changing the world into a more accessible place for everyone. Achieving this requires an environment based on trust and mutual respect, free expression, respect for differences and the dignity of others, honesty and integrity in dealing with all members of the community. Through our personal commitment to these values, we can create an environment in which all can reach their full intellectual potential and develop their sensitivity.


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