Program under BIP: "Contemporary Management Issues from a European Perspective", implemented by: Hochschule Fulda, IAE, Ecole de Management and Cracow University of Economics. The organizer on the UEK side is the Department of Labor Resources Management. The program will provide training for 15 students and 2 employees of our University.  


The virtual part will include the following content:


  • introductory lecture
  • module outline - intercultural aspects
  • summary of the topic covered in the module
  • virtual teamwork of German-French or German-Polish student teams
  • joint work on a semester project, covering one aspect of the overall module topic

The classical part will include the following components:


  • final week in Fulda
  • presentations of the project results
  • seminar sessions
  • excursions

Expected results: raise awareness of the importance of intercultural competence and international business skills and methods of applying knowledge to a specific international business topic. In the summer semester 2022, the general topic will be "Corporate Structures in Central Europe".


Those interested in the progress of the project are referred to the Department of Human Resource Management.


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